People who are brutally honest get more satisfaction out of the brutality than out of the honesty.

Richard J. Needham
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  2. When male authors write love stories, the heroine tends to end up dead. - Susan Elizabeth Phillips

  3. I remember when your name was just another name that rolled without thought off my tongue. Now, I can’t look at your name without an abundance of sentiment attached to each lettter. Your name, which I played with so carelessly, so easily, has somehow become... - Coco J. Ginger

  4. When Great Trees FallWhen great trees fall, rocks on distant hills shudder, lions hunker downin tall grasses, and even elephantslumber after safety. When great trees fallin forests, small things recoil into silence, their senseseroded beyond fear. When great souls die, the air around us becomeslight,... - Maya Angelou

  5. I do not love men: I love what devours them. - Unknown

More Quotes By Richard J. Needham
  1. The true cost of following your dreams isn't what you sacrifice when you chase them, it's what you lose when you don't

  2. People who are driven by their values will overcome hurdles, difficulties, and obstacles in ways that people driven only by profit will never be able to

  3. The words we choose can build communities, reunite loved ones, and inspire others. They can be a catalyst for change. However, our words also have the power to destroy and divide: they can start a war, reduce a lifelong relationship to a collection of memories,...

  4. Your uniqueness is your greatest strength, not how well you emulate others.

  5. The idea of reappropriation isn’t a new one. The process of turning negative words, symbols, or ideas into positive parts of our own identity — was used for social justice movements long before hipsters thought that being ironic was cool. Whether it is repurposing a...

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