Virginia WoolfShe felt... how life, from being made up of little separate incidents which one lived one by one, became curled and whole like a wave which bore one up with it and threw one down with it, there, with a dash on the beach.
About This Quote
This quote is from the novel "A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man" by James Joyce. It describes, in great detail, the emotions that go through the mind of Stephen Daedalus, an adolescent boy with a passionate love for his female friend, Catherine. Joyce writes: "She felt... how life, from being made up of little separate incidents which one lived one by one, became curled and whole like a wave which bore one up with it and threw one down with it, there, with a dash on the beach." This passage shows how young people can be so in love and so in love with life that they feel it is no longer an individual but something that is happening to them - as if it is happening to everyone all at once. The quote also speaks about how powerful and powerful feelings can be.
Source: To The Lighthouse
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