We make time for what we truly value. We build habits and routines around the things that really matter to us. This is an important principle to understand as we seek to build our lives around the gospel. Do you want a cross centered life? A cross centered life is made up of cross centered days. C.J. Mahaney
About This Quote

A cross centered life is made up of cross centered days. A cross centered life is made up of taking time to be with the Lord. Cross centered days are built around prayer, reading the Bible, and serving others. You can plan to study the Bible, or you can just do it! You can find a way to serve other people, or you can just do it! This principle is one that you must learn, because it will help you be a better person. The key is to make time for what you value most.

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More Quotes By C.J. Mahaney
  1. We make time for what we truly value. We build habits and routines around the things that really matter to us. This is an important principle to understand as we seek to build our lives around the gospel. Do you want a cross centered life?...

  2. Truly edifying words are words that reveal the character and the promises and the activity of God. They're cross-centered words. They're words rooted in and derived from Scripture, words that identify the active presence of God, and words that communicate the evidences of grace that...

  3. The personal desolation Christ is experiencing on the cross is what you and I should be experiencing--but instead, Jesus is bearing it, and bearing it all alone. Why alone? He's alone so that we might never be alone.

  4. Only those who are truly aware of their sin can truly cherish grace.

  5. All topics should be studied through the lens of the Gospel.

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