The next time you feel yourself giving in to the sometimes overwhelming urge to panic about the fate of literature in the digital age, follow this simple remedy: remember that you dream. For that is ironclad proof . that literature–that narrative art in whatever form–will never die. Humans, strange creatures that we are, make sense of our lives by telling stories. In the space between each day and the next, we refresh our minds by concocting the most fantastic and elaborate fictions. We spend roughly a third of our lives thus, re-arranging our scattered experiences into stories. That we do it at all is bizarre and inexplicable. But as long as we do it, we will crave stories–human stories, stories that speak to us–in our waking life. The Internet, powerful as it is, cannot change that. . Adam Hammond
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  2. Sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves. - Joni Eareckson Tada

  3. No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn't in submission to God! - T.d. Jakes

  4. His hands are holding my cheeks, and he pulls back just to look me in the eye and his chest is heaving and he says, "I think, " he says, "my heart is going to explode, " and I wish, more than ever, that I... - Tahereh Mafi

  5. Why is there ever this perverse cruelty in humankind, that makes us hurt most those we love best? - Jacqueline Carey

More Quotes By Adam Hammond
  1. The Atonement has not only helped me be cleansed, and be healed, but it has also helped me live.

  2. Jesus Christ is always there for you. He longs to aid you, He longs to be by your side, to help you through your struggles, to heal your aching heart and to mend your broken soul. He’s standing there with His arms outstretched, waiting for...

  3. The next time you feel that you will never get past the things you’re experiencing now, look back on the trials you’ve experienced in the past and think about how far you’ve come since they happened. Trials won’t last forever, and change will always benefit...

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