To show others, the quotes and sayings of the visionary figures, as a mirror instead of reform own conduct and character, indicates one's worst egoism unless that reflects and demonstrates not their golden words.

Ehsan Sehgal
About This Quote

"To show others the quotes and sayings of the visionary figures", as a mirror instead of reform own conduct and character, indicates one's worst egoism unless that reflects and demonstrates not their golden words. To be a real man, you must have strong character and self-discipline. You also must be able to listen to other people and take their advice. I hope that the quotes I share here will help you become a better person.

Some Similar Quotes
  1. I didn't change, I just found myself. - Good Life Quotes

  2. All I'd ever wanted was to forget. but even when I thought I had, pieces had kept emerging, like bits of wood floating up to the surface that only hint at the shipwreck below. - Sarah Dessen

  3. And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. - Madeline Miller

  4. I hate quotations. Tell me what you know. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  5. It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. - Winston S. Churchill

More Quotes By Ehsan Sehgal
  1. To show others, the quotes and sayings of the visionary figures, as a mirror instead of reform own conduct and character, indicates one's worst egoism unless that reflects and demonstrates not their golden words.

  2. Spirituality is a magnet, and the magnet affects iron, not wood or stone. Similarly, faith and devotion are iron, who has that, spirituality touches the believer, not an unbeliever.

  3. Spirituality is a magnet, and the magnet affects iron, not the wood or stone. Similarly, faith and devotion are iron, who has that, spirituality touches the believer, not an unbeliever.

  4. Love is the natural constitution of life. Its main clause; the sex and others such as respect, equality and tolerance are the essential terms to succeed the pleasure of life.

  5. In a war of truth and lie, lie retreats always with shame and pity.

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