One of the things that Eva hated the most about being a kid was how everyone always told her that childhood was the best time of their entire lives, and don't grow up too fast, and enjoy these carefree days while you can. In those moments, her body felt like the world's smallest prison, and she escaped in her mind to her chile plants, resting on rock wool substrate under a grow light in a bedroom closet, as much a prisoner of USDA hardiness zone 5b as she was. J. Ryan Stradal
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Mathematics expresses values that reflect the cosmos, including orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty. - Deepak Chopra

  2. In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra. - Fran Lebowitz

  3. I had a polynomial once. My doctor removed it. - Michael Grant

  4. I couldn't claim that I was smarter than sixty-five other guys--but the average of sixty-five other guys, certainly! - Richard Feynman

  5. What comes, is called. - Ki Longfellow

More Quotes By J. Ryan Stradal
  1. Dude, you're scaring the crap out of me, ' said Nick. 'I'm serious, I literally have no crap right now.

  2. It is not the ink and the paper that matter, but the hand that holds the pen.

  3. Good literature is a mirror through which we see ourselves more clearly.

  4. Words lose their meaning when you look at them too long. ‘God.’ ‘Science.’ Meaning.

  5. We are creature of darkness and light, capable of barbarism and limitless cruelty, and also love, and laughter and the creation of the most sublime beauty. We are both these things, clearly, but which are we more of?

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