Worry looks back, Hope looks forward, but Faith always looks up.

Umair Naeem
Worry looks back, Hope looks forward, but Faith always looks...
Worry looks back, Hope looks forward, but Faith always looks...
Worry looks back, Hope looks forward, but Faith always looks...
Worry looks back, Hope looks forward, but Faith always looks...
About This Quote

Faith is a virtue of the heart, not the head. It cannot be learned from anyone else. Worry and fear can be conquered by learning from experience, but faith can only be won by trusting in a higher power. In the Bible, the book of Hebrews uses this phrase to teach us that faith is a gift from God.

Faith isn’t something we earn through good behavior or hard work; it’s a gift. The Bible says, "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

Source: Drowning Shadows

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