The food chain has victims at both ends: even rapists and murderers need someone to look down on, and kid killers will do nicely.

Michael Marshall
Some Similar Quotes
  1. There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love. - Unknown

  2. Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public. - Cornel West

  3. Virtue comes through contemplation of the divine, and the exercise of philosophy. But it also comes through public service. The one is incomplete without the other. Power without wisdom is tyranny; wisdom without power is pointless. - Iain Pears

  4. Outrage is the special kind of anger you feel when you believe that people are getting things they don't deserve. Outrage of this kind is anger at injustice. - Michael J. Sandel

  5. (...) greed that preys on human misery (...) - Michael J. Sandel

More Quotes By Michael Marshall
  1. The body protects itself, and the same happens in the mind. It occurs sluggishly and imperfectly, a bad job done by indifferent craftsmen, but within minutes an accretion of defence mechanisms starts to form around the trauma, blunting its edges, eventually sealing it away inside...

  2. Just because we are capable of art didn't what lay in front of him could be dismissed as aberration, that we could take what we admired and fence that off as human, dismissing the rest as monstrous. The same hands committed both. Brains don't undermine...

  3. The food chain has victims at both ends: even rapists and murderers need someone to look down on, and kid killers will do nicely.

  4. It wasn't like the World Trade Center, something vile and astonishing within our own borders, happening to people who'd saved coins of the same currency in their piggybanks when they were children. I knew intellectually that shouldn't make a difference, but it seemed to.

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