Imagination is the gatekeeper of the human soul.

Some Similar Quotes
  1. You have killed my love. You used to stir my imagination. Now you don't even stir my curiosity. You simply produce no effect. I loved you because you were marvelous, because you had genius and intellect, because you realized the dreams of great poets and... - Oscar Wilde

  2. But spontaneity is not by any means a blind, disorderly urge, a mere power of caprice. A philosophy restricted to the alternatives of conventional language has no way of conceiving an intelligence which does not work according to plan, according to a one-at-a-time order of... - Alan W. Watts

  3. I didn't set out to discover a truth. I was actually sent to the Outer Fringes to conduct a chair census and learn some humility. But the truth inevitably found me, as important truths often do, like a lost thought in need of a mind. - Jasper Fforde

  4. It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer. - Albert Einstein

  5. It is one thing to be clever and another to be wise. - George R.r. Martin

More Quotes By Anonymous
  1. And so, in silence, we walked the surface of a dying world, but in the breast of one of us at least had been born that which is ever oldest, yet ever new. I loved Dejah Thoris. The touch of my arm upon her naked...

  2. I got this story from someone who had no business in the telling of it.

  3. I had aimed at Mars and was about to hit Venus unquestionably the all-time cosmic record for poor shots.

  4. So glorious does love transfigure its object"~ Tarzan

  5. ...smiles are the foundation of beauty.

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