I'd much rather be hold up with a ball of yarn, tucked inside the safety of the house with my mother. Out there, you must come to grips with the rot and bone, bloom and disintegration. It's part of the world, this ruthlessness, this severed leg, this sun-bleached skull. I can't really stand it. All the signs point toward change, and all that means is death. - 140-141 Robin Romm
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More Quotes By Robin Romm
  1. The ticking of the clock has gotten so loud." - 74

  2. And then I feel guilty, because I know all these offers are made in vain. I know I cannot get my mother back healthy for a day.... My mom is sick, sick and dying, and no bargaining will change that. And it's in all the...

  3. Apart from my father, this house if filled with women. Women stop their lives; they're programmed that way. A child comes into the world and suddenly the choices grow fewer. The women seem to understand the payoff. <span style="margin:15px; display:block"></span>You sacrifice, yes. You don't get...

  4. I'd much rather be hold up with a ball of yarn, tucked inside the safety of the house with my mother. Out there, you must come to grips with the rot and bone, bloom and disintegration. It's part of the world, this ruthlessness, this severed...

  5. It's not that I am not moved by these things, that I don't them in my life. But lately, their power has diminished." - 140

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