...hope is never wasted. Even if what I hoped for did not come to fruition as I had imagined, as I had hoped. Hope is placing the beautifully vulnerable parts of ourselves, our raw selves, into His hands. I believe hope moves His heart; but hope also moves our hearts into His hands. Hope builds trust. Natalie Brenner
About This Quote

The idea that hope is never wasted is one of the most important concepts to hold on to. If you let your hope die, you will be lost. Hope is the only thing that keeps us going. Hope doesn't just help us endure, it helps us endure better. It keeps us going even when we don't have any other reason to.

Source: This Undeserved Life: Uncovering The Gifts Of Grief And The Fullness Of Life

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More Quotes By Natalie Brenner
  1. ...hope is never wasted. Even if what I hoped for did not come to fruition as I had imagined, as I had hoped. Hope is placing the beautifully vulnerable parts of ourselves, our raw selves, into His hands. I believe hope moves His heart; but...

  2. I craved to make my faith as real as possible, which meant being recklessly honest in His presence.

  3. We cannot experience free joy and happiness without experiencing the depths of pain.

  4. ...the sweetness of grace and freedom comes hand in hand with the uncomfortable, bitter-rawness of honest emotions and grief.

  5. I wanted to forgive my mom and my dad so badly for the deep hurt they caused, the fear their broken marriage invoked in me, but I also didn’t want to pretend anymore. Pretending is exhausting.

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