They were both from the real world, their own distinct ones, but I was somewhere in limbo. Set apart, I didn't know how to let either of them in.

Amina Gautier
About This Quote

The real world is the world that surrounds us or surrounds everyone, whereas the real world is the place where people are real. The real world is what you are when you are in touch with yourself, when you are in touch with your own thoughts in order to make decisions. You can go to the real world with people who are good for you in order to find answers, in order to find answers about what to do next. But if you go to the wrong places with the wrong people, eventually your questions will be answered in the wrong way.

Source: Atrisk

Some Similar Quotes
  1. Eleanor was right. She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something. - Rainbow Rowell

  2. It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done. - Vincent Van Gogh

  3. Any fool can be happy. It takes a man with real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep. - Clive Barker

  4. Art and love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you. - Chuck Klosterman

  5. There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people. - Vincent Van Gogh

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