Pointing a gun at a strong-minded person is just as inconvenient as wearing a bifocal. There are two realities side-by-side

About This Quote

The greatest strength of strong-minded people is their ability to think clearly about situations. Even if they are confused or perplexed, they can often see the bigger picture and point out logical flaws in arguments. Unfortunately, even strong-minded people can be distracted by many things. Their mind may wander away from the current situation and focus on something else.

Sometimes, they can even get stuck in their own little world and forget what the point is they were trying to make. When this happens, it becomes necessary to take a step back and remind oneself of one’s objective. To do this, it helps to bring the two realities side-by-side, meaning that both must exist simultaneously.

Just because someone is strong-minded doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be on guard against the distractions that can lead them astray.

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