It is not the path that you have trouble finding. You knew your path since your first daydream. It's courage you're searching for - courage to trust yourself and stop searching for a travel partner who knows better than you where to go. And courage is only built in action. Vironika Tugaleva
About This Quote

If you want to be a good leader, you need to be an honest leader. You need to be upfront and honest and not hide behind a smoke screen of appearances or phony smiles. You need to be your true self and not hide behind an image that you think others want to see. If you do this, then the people will know how to follow you and will trust you more than they would if you were trying to be someone else.

If you show yourself as the real person that is inside of you, then that is your true worth and your true worth will shine through. Then, people will trust your leadership more than they would if they did not know who you really were.

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