The power of the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God & the name of Jesus are the believers weapons of defense against the Devil.

Pazaria Smith
About This Quote

I’ve never been a big fan of the Blood of Jesus. It’s a little strange, to say the least. Jesus was a guy who died for our sins. He suffered and died so we could have eternal life with God in Heaven.

And, yet, we have a bunch of people who stand around and paint their faces red and drink blood from a vial. Why? I’m not saying that I don’t believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I do believe that he did because it makes sense to me.

I just have a hard time wrapping my head around all of the rituals and practices that surround this one event. Is it really necessary to turn your face red and drink blood and sing and shout and punch and stab your chest? But there is one thing about all of this ritual that really bothers me: The blood of Jesus is supposed to be our weapon of defense against the devil! We’re supposed to fight back against sin with the power of Christ’s blood coursing through our veins! And yet, we’re also supposed to do those weird things like paint our faces red or drink blood or write in our books that we don’t think about sin but we do think about revenge. The devil does not care if we fight back with Christ’s blood coursing through our veins or if we don’t fight back at all! The devil won’t disappear simply because we thought about him – – – – – – – – – – – – – – until you open up your heart and give him access to the place where you feel most vulnerable. God doesn’t hate you because you “give in to temptation” or “release your demons into the world.” He hates sin because sin hurts him and breaks his heart, which means it hurts you too when you are in relationship with him. Jesus is angry when his heart is broken because he loves you so much that he wants you to escape all pain, including conflict, disappointment, loneliness, depression…pain is something that comes when you are separated from God. The real problem is when people pretend they are angry when they are angry at God for any reason.

Pastors think they are angry at God when they are angry at their wives or their kids or their colleagues…They think they are angry at God over some earthly matter…But they are

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