You are the author of your own destiny

About This Quote

You are the author of your own destiny. If you want something, you must take full responsibility for getting it. This has always been my mantra. I am the master of my fate.

When things are going great, I have no excuses why I do not succeed. When they are not going great, I have no excuses why I do not succeed. When things are going bad, I have no excuses why I do not succeed.

When things are going great, there is nothing that can stop me from reaching my goals. When it is not going great, there is nothing that can stop me from reaching my goals.

Some Similar Quotes
  1. Pressure is an artist - Anonymous

  2. The entrance to the world is inside your mind - Anonymous

  3. Never let the world take your smile - Anonymous

  4. The sun and stars never apologize for shinning - Anonymous

  5. The universe does not shed tears when a star falls from the sky - Anonymous

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