IN the book of my heart, pages keep falling out, many of them marked "Mom and Dad.

Darryl Pinckney
About This Quote

When someone has lost a close family member, it is normal to feel the loss of the person who was lost. It is also normal to miss them and often feel that they are still with us. However, the pain of grief can be made worse by unexpected loss. While you are reading this, your brain will be creating memories of the past and of the person who was lost.

By its nature, memory does not know what is real and what is not. Your brain will be creating memories about your loved one that you know to be untrue. You will be seeing him or her in different situations where your loved one has said or done things which were not actually true.

Many people go through life with these false memories, believing them to be true. They may believe things like: “I should have been there for her when she needed me” or "He would have been proud of me." These false memories can make it harder to move on from the loss as you constantly compare yourself to how you thought your loved one would have been had he or she still been alive. As you continue to read this quote, you may find yourself missing your loved one more because you will see memories which you know to be untrue.

Source: Black Deutschland

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