There are words like ‘orphan’, ‘widow’ and ‘widower’ in all languages. But there is no word in any language to describe a parent who loses a child. How does one describe the pain of ‘ultimate bereavement’! (Page 50)

Neena Verma
About This Quote

In this quote from the book, The Good Husband by Barbara Taylor Bradford, it describes what happens when a parent loses a child. In the book, the main character Lillian loses her husband to a heart attack and she carries out her grieving process in a way that is very odd for a person in that situation. She uses the word orphan to describe her situation and then uses the words widow and widower in order to describe her husband's death. It is very interesting because it shows how people can find different ways of grieving and coping with losses.

Source: A Mothers Cry... A Mothers Celebration

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More Quotes By Neena Verma
  1. There are words inside me that don’t want to hide anymore. Perfect or not, they don’t want to be safe for much longer. They want to be free.

  2. An entire planet pretending to be uncomfortable with the humanitarian crisis while engrossed in distractions on their mobile screens. Humanity ignoring their inevitable existential crisis.

  3. Humanity was an ugly word when such cruelty was inflicted on one another.

  4. Some guy on the radio is asking me to take it slow, switches to a commercial and I wait for the next song. Feel very much in need of getting lost in speed of electric notes.

  5. The money we slaved for, bought information that kept us all trapped inside a chamber of lies and running on a greed wheel.

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