With the help of the Lord, you can handle life's challenges and heartaches, even the valley of the shadow of death. What comfort your fainting heart has, knowing that in those stumbling times of discouragement and despair, of depletion and seeming defeat, the Shepherd will find you...restore and "fix" you...and follow you...until you are well on your way. Elizabeth George
About This Quote

When you are weak and injured, you feel like you can't do anything. When you see your loved ones hurting, you feel like giving up. When you think everything is lost, the good Lord will come and rescue you. He will walk with you every step of the way. The word "comfort" here refers to the help that he offers in life's many difficulties and trials that seem impossible to overcome.

Source: Quiet Confidence For A Womans Heart

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More Quotes By Elizabeth George
  1. When you cultivate a godly thought life your soul will shine and you will exhibit the presence of the Lord in you.

  2. Your little choices become habits that affect the bigger decisions you make in life.

  3. But an ordinary day can mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey!

  4. With the help of the Lord, you can handle life's challenges and heartaches, even the valley of the shadow of death. What comfort your fainting heart has, knowing that in those stumbling times of discouragement and despair, of depletion and seeming defeat, the Shepherd will...

  5. What a blessing to be able to leave the cares of life for a brief period and spend time in the outstretched arms of your Shepherd, rubbing, as it were, your cheek against His face in intimate fellowship through prayer.

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