THE GAP: Closed-Mindedness can create it, Narrow-Mindedness can widen it, Open-Mindedness can close it, Like-Mindedness… Will Bridge It!

Auliq Ice
About This Quote

The gap between people is a gap that can be closed and can be bridged. The gap between people is a gap created by the attitude and mind-set of each person. When you have a closed mind, it stands to reason that you would feel disconnected from others. You would have a hard time connecting with others because you just don’t understand the way they think.

This would cause you to feel as if there was a chasm separating you from them, which is called the gap. Now, when it comes to being narrow-minded, you would feel as if your mind is too small for any kind of understanding of the world around you. You would blunder through life, taking many wrong turns and never knowing what was going on until it’s too late. Because your mind was so filled with thoughts about yourself, it prevented you from seeing that there were other things going on in the world around you.

This would cause you to feel as if there was a chasm separating you from others, which is called the gap. The difference between those two kinds of mindsets is one of openness or closed-mindedness. A lack of open-mindedness is going to create the gap between people, while a lack of closed-mindedness will make a bridge out of a chasm by forming a bridge between people. The fact is that connecting with others is possible for all people regardless of how open or closed their minds are. As for like-mindedness? Well, like-mindedness will cause the gap to close because like-mindedness will create bridges by establishing these connections between people whether they are small or large!

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More Quotes By Auliq Ice
  1. Wisdom is the best gift you can ever build. It gets you to unimagined heights and knowledge follows it.

  2. I know that I do not know, and uncertainty, certainly, is the cruelest of words.

  3. Earn Nicely, spend wisely and you will live happily.

  4. Manners and politeness will never become old-fashioned.

  5. Happy people tend to be those who take pleasure in simple things.

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