People believe unbelievable things because it's self-flattering to think that you are intellectually daring enough to accept what others find preposterous.

Christopher Buckley
About This Quote

There is a growing tendency in the modern world to believe in the impossible. Whether it is UFOs, ghosts, precognition, or other things that are out of this world. It is perfectly logical to believe that anything that cannot be explained through traditional means must be true. However, this idea can lead us down the wrong path. If you are not careful, you may start believing in an impossible conclusion simply because it sounds interesting.

Some Similar Quotes
  1. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. - Anonymous

  2. Sometimes God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves. - Joni Eareckson Tada

  3. No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn't in submission to God! - T.d. Jakes

  4. His hands are holding my cheeks, and he pulls back just to look me in the eye and his chest is heaving and he says, "I think, " he says, "my heart is going to explode, " and I wish, more than ever, that I... - Tahereh Mafi

  5. Why is there ever this perverse cruelty in humankind, that makes us hurt most those we love best? - Jacqueline Carey

More Quotes By Christopher Buckley
  1. You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.

  2. If you gave someone your heart and they died, did they take it with them? Did you spend the rest of forever with a hole inside you that couldn't be filled?

  3. You know it's never fifty-fifty in a marriage. It's always seventy-thirty, or sixty-forty. Someone falls in love first. Someone puts someone else up on a pedestal. Someone works very hard to keep things rolling smoothly; someone else sails along for the ride.

  4. I wondered what happened when you offered yourself to someone, and they opened you, only to discover you were not the gift they expected and they had to smile and nod and say thank you all the same.

  5. And he suddenly knew that if she killed herself, he would die. Maybe not immediately, maybe not with the same blinding rush of pain, but it would happen. You couldn't live for very long without a heart.

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