Where there is conflict, there is no God.

Dada Bhagwan
About This Quote

An atheist is someone who does not believe in God. A person’s disbelief in God is usually based on an examination of the evidence gathered by science, philosophy or logic. These methods reveal that there is no proof to support the existence of God. The idea of a “God” is found in the ancient texts of many different religions, therefore, religious people argue that if they do not believe in that God, they are not atheists.

However, this misses the point entirely. The very fact that most religious people argue that they are not atheists proves that they are atheists! This is because religion is simply another form of belief; it cannot be disproved with logic or evidence from science or philosophy. Religion has been proven to be nothing more than a mental construct created by humans to help them understand the world.

To say that someone who does not believe in a god is an atheist would be like saying that someone who does not believe in gravity is a physicist! The very idea of a god can never be proven with logic or evidence from science or philosophy.

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More Quotes By Dada Bhagwan
  1. The worldly life means a market place of sensual pleasures. Worldly life means false (temporary) happiness all the time. And moksha (liberation) means permanent happiness all the time.

  2. Believing happiness to be in the eternal thing is called the enlightened vision (samkit).

  3. There is no happiness in what worldly people believe happiness in, there is happiness in what Gnani [the enlightened one] believes the happiness in. What people regard as happiness is not happiness.

  4. Depression arises when one uses his power and authority. Whatever authority there is, it is there for giving happiness to others. Authority is to give happiness to others, even to those who are guilty of doing wrong.

  5. Many people suffer great miseries but if you ask them in front of others, 'you went through great difficulty, didn't you?', then they will respond, 'no, no I didn't have any suffering'. Then they feel happy. So what kind of ‘egoism’ should one do? During...

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