153 Quotes & Sayings By Winston S Churchill

Winston Spencer Churchill was the prime minister of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. A noted historian, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 for his extensive body of work. He served as prime minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. He is often called "the man of action" because of his leadership qualities during World War II, especially his role in the Allied victory at El Alamein in North Africa.

To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour. Winston S. Churchill
A joke is a very serious thing.
A joke is a very serious thing. Winston S. Churchill
This is not the end, this is not even the...
This is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the beginning. Winston S. Churchill
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is...
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston S. Churchill
For myself I am an optimist - it does not...
For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use to be anything else. Winston S. Churchill
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Winston S. Churchill
We are all worms, But I do believe that I...
We are all worms, But I do believe that I am a glow worm. Winston S. Churchill
However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the...
However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. Winston S. Churchill
You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. Winston S. Churchill
All of the great empires of the future will be...
All of the great empires of the future will be empires of the mind. Winston S. Churchill
My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the...
My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best. Winston S. Churchill
History will be kind to me for I intend to...
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. Winston S. Churchill
Personally, I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught. Winston S. Churchill
Don't interrupt me while I'm interrupting.
Don't interrupt me while I'm interrupting. Winston S. Churchill
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it...
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. Winston S. Churchill
When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber.
When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber. Winston S. Churchill
An old battleax of a woman said to Winston Churchill,...
An old battleax of a woman said to Winston Churchill, "If you were my husband I would put poison in your tea." Churchill's response, "Ma'am if you were my wife I would drink it. Winston S. Churchill
When you get a thing the way you want it,...
When you get a thing the way you want it, leave it alone. Winston S. Churchill
This paper, by its very length, defends itself from ever...
This paper, by its very length, defends itself from ever being read. Winston S. Churchill
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened. Winston S. Churchill
Occasionally he stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself...
Occasionally he stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened. Winston S. Churchill
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may...
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. Winston S. Churchill
People stumble over the truth from time to time, but...
People stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened. Winston S. Churchill
Never, never, never give in!
Never, never, never give in! Winston S. Churchill
Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.
Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have. Winston S. Churchill
..But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness. In a moment the fruits of patient toil, the prospects of material prosperity, the fear of death itself, are flung aside. The more emotional Pathans are powerless to resist. All rational considerations are forgotten. Seizing their weapons, they become Ghazis–as dangerous and as sensible as mad dogs: fit only to be treated as such. While the more generous spirits among the tribesmen become convulsed in an ecstasy of religious bloodthirstiness, poorer and more material souls derive additional impulses from the influence of others, the hopes of plunder and the joy of fighting. Thus whole nations are roused to arms. Thus the Turks repel their enemies, the Arabs of the Soudan break the British squares, and the rising on the Indian frontier spreads far and wide. In each case civilisation is confronted with militant Mahommedanism. The forces of progress clash with those of reaction. The religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace. Winston S. Churchill
If you are going through hell, keep going Winston S. Churchill
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property — either as a child, a wife, or a concubine — must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome. Winston S. Churchill
I'm bored with it all. - Last Words Winston S. Churchill
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to...
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. Winston S. Churchill
Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public. Winston S. Churchill
Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the...
Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all. Winston S. Churchill
Writing a long and substantial book is like having a friend and companion at your side, to whom you can always turn for comfort and amusement, and whose society becomes more attractive as a new and widening field of interest is lighted in the mind. Winston S. Churchill
The price of greatness is responsibility.
The price of greatness is responsibility. Winston S. Churchill
Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss...
Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. Winston S. Churchill
Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.
Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it. Winston S. Churchill
It's no use saying,
It's no use saying, "We are doing our best." You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary. Winston S. Churchill
Sure I am this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us. Winston S. Churchill
I am always ready to learn although I do not...
I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. Winston S. Churchill
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth...
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. Winston S. Churchill
I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I...
I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly. Winston S. Churchill
If you cannot read all your books...fondle them---peer into them, let them fall open where they will, read from the first sentence that arrests the eye, set them back on the shelves with your own hands, arrange them on your own plan so that you at least know where they are. Let them be your friends; let them, at any rate, be your acquaintances. Winston S. Churchill
If you cannot read all your books, at any rate handle, or as it were, fondle them — peer into them, let them fall open where they will, read from the first sentence that arrests the eye, set them back on the shelves with your own hands, arrange them on your own plan so that if you do not know what is in them, you at least know where they are. Let them be your friends; let them at any rate be your acquaintances. If they cannot enter the circle of your life, do not deny them at least a nod of recognition. Winston S. Churchill
Books, in all their variety, offer the human intellect the...
Books, in all their variety, offer the human intellect the means whereby civilization may be carried triumphantly forward. Winston S. Churchill
You see these dictators on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police .. yet in their hearts there is unspoken fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts: words spoken abroad, thoughts stirring at home -- all the more powerful because forbidden -- terrify them. A little mouse of thought appears in the room, and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic. . Winston S. Churchill
It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined...
It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. Winston S. Churchill
A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed...
A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril. Winston S. Churchill
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: MagnanimityIn Peace:...
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: MagnanimityIn Peace: Good Will. Winston S. Churchill
Never in the field of human conflict was so much...
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. Winston S. Churchill
One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking...
One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once 'The Unnecessary War'. Winston S. Churchill
This is no war of chieftains or of princes, of dynasties or national ambition; it is a war of peoples and of causes. There are vast numbers, not only in this Island but in every land, who will render faithful service in this war, but whose names will never be known, whose deeds will never be recorded. This is a War of the Unknown Warriors Winston S. Churchill
Delight in smooth sounding platitudes, refusal to face unpleasant facts. .. genuine love of peace and pathetic belief that love can be its sole foundation. .. the utter devotion of the Liberals to sentiment apart from reality. ..though free from wickedness or evil design, played a definite part in the unleashing upon the world of horrors and miseries [WWII] Winston S. Churchill
Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. Winston S. Churchill
The wars of people will be more terrible than those...
The wars of people will be more terrible than those of kings. Winston S. Churchill
All the horrors of all the ages were brought together, and not only armies but whole populations were thrust into the midst of them. The mighty educated States involved conceived-not without reason-that their very existence was at stake. Neither peoples nor rulers drew the line at any deed which they thought could help them win. Germany, having let Hell loose, kept well in the van of terror; but she was followed step by step by the desperate and ultimately avenging nations she had assailed. Every outrage against humanity or international law was repaid by reprisals-often of a greater scale and of longer duration. No truce or parley mitigated the strife of the armies. The wounded died between the lines: the dead mouldered into the soil. Merchant ships and neutral ships and hospital ships were sunk on the seas and all on board left to their fate, or killed as they swam. Every effort was made to starve whole nations into submission without regard to age or sex. Cities and monuments were smashed by artillery. Bombs from the air were cast down indiscriminately. Poison gas in many forms stifled or seared the soldiers. Liquid fire was projected upon their bodies. Men fell from the air in flames, or were smothered often slowly in the dark recesses of the sea. The fighting strength of armies was limited only by the manhood of their countries. Europe and large parts of Asia and Africa became one vast battlefield on which after years of struggle not armies but nations broke and ran. When all was over, Torture and Cannibalism were the only expedients that the civilized, scientific, Christian States had been able to deny themselves: and they were of doubtful utility. Winston S. Churchill
The power of the Executive to cast a man into prison without formulating any charge known to the law and particularly to deny him the judgement of his peers is in the highest degree odious and is the foundation of all totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist. Winston S. Churchill
In the long years to come, not only will the people of this island but of the world, wherever the bird of freedom chirps in human hearts, look back to what we've done, and they will say 'do not despair, do not yield...march straightforward. Winston S. Churchill
We seek no treasure, we seek no territorial gains, we seek only the right of man to be free; we seek his rights to worship his god, to lead his life in his own way, secure from persecution. As the humble labourer returned from his work when the day is don, and sees the smoke curling upwards from his cottage home in the serene evening sky, we wish him to know that no rat-a-tat of the secret police upon his door will disturb his leisure or interrupt his rest. Winston S. Churchill
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all...
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. Winston S. Churchill
War is a game that is played with a smile....
War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can. Winston S. Churchill
A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going...
A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen. Winston S. Churchill
I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It...
I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Winston S. Churchill
If you go on with this nuclear arms race, all...
If you go on with this nuclear arms race, all you are going to do is make the rubble bounce. Winston S. Churchill
If I had been an Italian I am sure that I should have been whole-heartedly with you from the start to finish in your triumphant struggle against the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism."(Speech in Rome on 20 January, 1927, praising Mussolini) Winston S. Churchill
If he trips he must be sustained. If he makes...
If he trips he must be sustained. If he makes mistakes they must be covered. If he sleeps he must not be wantonly disturbed. If he is no good he must be pole-axed Winston S. Churchill
To improve is to change, so to be perfect is...
To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often. Winston S. Churchill
The machinery of propaganda may pack their minds with falsehood and deny them truth for many generations of time. But the soul of man thus held in trance, or frozen in a long night, can be awakened by a spark coming from God knows where, and in a moment the whole structure of lies and oppression is on trial for its life. Winston S. Churchill
When eagles are silent, parrots begin to chatter. Winston S. Churchill
The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. Winston S. Churchill
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old. Winston S. Churchill
The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences. Winston S. Churchill
Now at this very moment I knew that the United States was in the war, up to the neck and in to the death. So we had won after all!. . How long the war would last or in what fashion it would end no man could tell, nor did I at this moment care. . We should not be wiped out. Our history would not come to an end. . Hitler's fate was sealed. Mussolini's fate was sealed. As for the Japanese, they would be ground to a powder. All the rest was merely the proper application of overwhelming force. Winston S. Churchill
How fortunate it was for the world that when these great trials came upon it there was a generation that terror could not conquer and brutal violence could not enslave. Winston S. Churchill
Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong - these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history. Winston S. Churchill
If this long island story of ours is to end at last, let it end only when each one of us lies choking in his own blood upon the ground. Winston S. Churchill
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; In “Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat, ” his first speech as Prime Minister to the House of Commons May 13, 1940 quoted by Jeffrey R. Holland in “However Long and Hard the Road” BYU Devotional 18 Jan 1983. Winston S. Churchill
My wife and I tried to breakfast together, but we had to stop or our marriage would have been wrecked. Winston S. Churchill
My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me Winston S. Churchill
There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human, are created, strengthened and maintained. Winston S. Churchill
Where does the family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found. Winston S. Churchill
You make all kinds of mistakes, but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce, you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her. Winston S. Churchill
Democracy is more vindictive than cabinets, the wars of peoples will be more terrible than those of kings. Winston S. Churchill
If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future. Winston S. Churchill
Of this I am certain, that if we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find that we have lost the future. Winston S. Churchill
I know why logs spit. I know what it is to be consumed Winston S. Churchill
Logic, like science, must be the servant and not the master of man. Winston S. Churchill
If you are going to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite. Winston S. Churchill
In every age there comes a time when a leader must come forward to meet the needs of the hour. Therefore, there is no potential leader who does not have the opportunity to make a positive difference in society. Winston S. Churchill
The most frightful of all spectacles is the strength of the civilization without its mercy. Winston S. Churchill
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong. . Winston S. Churchill
From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put. Winston S. Churchill
...anger is a waste of energy. Steam which is used to blow off a safety valve would be better used to drive an engine. Winston S. Churchill
Always remember, a cat looks down on man, a dog looks up to man, but a pig will look man right in the eye and see his equal. Winston S. Churchill
Churchill: "Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?" Socialite: "My goodness, Mr. Churchill... Well, I suppose... we would have to discuss terms, of course... "Churchill: "Would you sleep with me for five pounds?" Socialite: "Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?! " Churchill: "Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price Winston S. Churchill
Good and great are seldom in the same man. Winston S. Churchill
Well, in war, you can only be killed once. But in politics, many times. Winston S. Churchill
Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."( Speech in the House of Commons, 11 November 1947) Winston S. Churchill
Nothing would be more fatal than for the Government of States to get in the hands of experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge, and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man who knows where it hurts is a safer guide than any rigorous direction of a specialized character. Winston S. Churchill
The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes. Winston S. Churchill