12 Quotes & Sayings By Walter Wink

Walter Wink is professor of New Testament at the Perkins School of Theology (Southern Methodist University) and teaches at the School of Theology (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He has served as president of both seminaries, and is now professor emeritus. He also serves as the editor-in-chief of The Biblical Interpretation Series (InterVarsity Press), and as director of interdisciplinary studies for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Dr Read more

Wink has written extensively on the gospels, especially on Luke-Acts. Some of his books include The Powers that Be, Jesus' Grandparents, Jesus' Brother James, Jesus Through Biblical Eyes, What Would Jesus Say? He lives in Winston-Salem, N.C.

Faith requires at times marching into the waters before they...
Faith requires at times marching into the waters before they part. Walter Wink
History belongs to the intercessors - those who believe and...
History belongs to the intercessors - those who believe and pray the future into being. Walter Wink
The 'peace' the gospel brings is never the absence of conflict, but an ineffable divine reassurance within the heart of conflict; a peace that surpasses understanding. Walter Wink
Violent revolution fails because it is not revolutionary enough. It changes the rulers but not the rules, the ends but not the means. Most of the old androcratic values and delusional assumptions remain intact. Walter Wink
For God's sake, let's be done with the hypocrisy of claiming "I am a biblical literalist" when everyone is a selective literalist, especially those who swear by the antihomosexual laws in the Book of Leviticus and then feast on barbecued ribs and delight in Monday-night football, for it is toevali, an abomination, not only to eat pork but merely to touch the skin of a dead pig. Walter Wink
So many people, if the truth were known, live their lives on two levels. The principles they fight about are often at odds with the complicated and often frustrated lives they live. This is why there is so much intensity. Walter Wink
I think people get excited about their perspective on sexuality because it gives them the feeling that, their failures notwithstanding, if they take a hard stand on what they consider to be godly, maybe God will be more merciful to them. Walter Wink
The polarization is such that the conservatives on this side have their prayer meeting and their choir meeting. And the liberals on this side have their prayer meeting and their choir meeting, and the two sides never get together and talk about it. The result is the tearing apart of the fabric of the body of Christ. Walter Wink
The practical consequence of both of the teachings noted is to encourage homosexual promiscuity. Church members can engage in many short-term liaisons without raising questions about their standing in the church. We tend not to pry into one another's private lives. But if a man brings another man to church with him regularly, if they give the same address and show signs of mutual affection, then there is likely to be a scandal. The dominant effect of church teaching is to encourage secret, temporary liaisons without commitment and to discourage long-term fidelity. Walter Wink
The gospel, then, is not a message about the salvation of individuals from the world, but news about a world transfigured, right down to its basic structures. Walter Wink
Divine judgment is intended not to destroy but to awaken people to the devastating truth about their lives. Walter Wink