2 Quotes & Sayings By W G Sebold

W. G. Sebold is a prolific author whose work has been featured in numerous bestseller lists. In 2001, she was awarded the Gold Medal for Fiction by the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) for her novel "A Place So Foreign" Read more

Her other works include "The Lovely Bones", "Changing Tides", "The Lovely Bones" (New York Times Best Seller), "The Farm" (Pulitzer Prize Winner), "The Lovely Bones" (New York Times Best Seller), "The Lovely Bones" (New York Times Best Seller) and others. She has also written two novels under the pen name Victoria Cruz; both are published by HarperCollins. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband Robert J.

Sawyer, who is also a novelist, and their two children.