4 Quotes & Sayings By Ujas Soni

Ujas Soni is a renowned writer and poet. He works as a professor in the Department of English, University of Moradabad, India. Ujas is a passionate writer and believes that every great work of art should be appreciated by everyone. He believes that words, no matter how small, have the power to inspire and shape our life Read more

He is a regular contributor to magazines and has published three books so far. His latest book The Art of Living – Thinking – Writing – Unplugging – Embracing – Applying – Reading – Reading – Applying – Practicing – Publishing is being published soon.

Inspiration is not the thing which can be seek, its right within you. Ujas Soni
Worst People Are the best TEACHERS. Ujas Soni
Arrogance makes you stronger from outside, but even more weaker from inside. Ujas Soni