21 Quotes & Sayings By Thiruman Archunan

Thiruman Archunan was born on April 20, 1977 in Malabon City. He is an entrepreneur and writer of novels and short stories. He is the author of the book titled “Ways to Success: The Temptation of Fullfillment”, published by Metamorphografica Publishing House in 2011, ISBN 978-971-5296-73-8.

Intelligence and stupidity have equal chance of taking a man to divinity! The blind nature has no such distinctions. Thiruman Archunan
God is as real as mind and the mind is as real as nature. Thiruman Archunan
The usefulness or otherwise of wealth, status and power to a possessor depends only on a single factor: the nature and strength of his reason. Thiruman Archunan
Everything is as real as nothing, whatever way the nothing itself is defined. Thiruman Archunan
A man actually has two Gods. The one, created him and the other, he created. Nature is not the first God but the first God exists in and as a part of the nature; a man with the help his reason creates a God against the forces of nature that are perceived to be as threat, hence the second God. The second God is the property of an individual mind that created it. A child has no reason and hence it has no second God; but it has the first God not yet known to it because the fear is not felt by the child! The first God is felt and known due to the fear ingrained in the instinct and the second God is the surrender and prayer brought out by the reason! . Thiruman Archunan
A business fails when motive becomes more important than the trust. Thiruman Archunan
There is no dharma greater than a word uttered by a man of conscience; there is no karma greater than a man listening to himself! Since an intention precedes action, it should be the reference point for any action. Thiruman Archunan
The conscience is a right mix of instinct, reason and culture. The conscience itself is not a truth but it has an ability to access the truth. But the very conscience is assembled only by the reason. Thiruman Archunan
Marriage is the best compromise between nature and culture. Thiruman Archunan
Truth exists: whatever a man not able to tell is actually a truth! Thiruman Archunan
Man is not the owner of mind but only a user. The nature owns mind, man hires only a small portion of it that too for a brief period. Thiruman Archunan
Nature takes the decision first, man agrees, reconciles, modifies, refutes, contradicts etc., subsequently. It means the application of reason, the discretionary power of a man, only happens afterwards! Thiruman Archunan
By God a man is afraid more of himself than anything else; every day he is struggling to construct a God first to suit him, only then to others. Thiruman Archunan
Wherever and whenever a woman is harassed, abused and exploited there could be found a religion or some kind of irrational belief and suppression of reason among the minds of men or women who were responsible for the exploitation. Thiruman Archunan
If a woman does not want she actually wants, if she wants she certainly wants it! Thiruman Archunan
The truth exists at the junction between good and bad. Thiruman Archunan
Without the act of imagination humanity would have perished long back Thiruman Archunan
Art works to satisfy the instinct and the science works to satisfy the reason. Thiruman Archunan
Instinct ensures animals to have society. Reason ensures society to have animals Thiruman Archunan
God is everyone's pleasure and also a prejudice! Thiruman Archunan