3 Quotes & Sayings By Tanya Byrne

Tanya Byrne is the author of three contemporary romance novels, "This Date," "The Return of Mr. Perfect," and "A First Comes First." She also co-authored the children's book, "Eliza's Only Daughter." Tanya lives in Northern California with her husband and three young children.

Doctor Gilyard was right, Juliet and I do have a lot in common. She lost her mother, I lost my mother. She lost her father, I lost my father. She had to start again, I had to start again. She had to pretend to be someone else, I had to pretend to be someone else. But where she was better for it, I was worse. Where she used what happened to make her stronger, I held on to it. I let it distil into something filthy and black. And I hated her for that. Hated her. . Tanya Byrne
It was like this blackness that crept into the corners of my life until everything was grey and dirty. My insides felt burnt out, like if you cut me open, all you would find would be smoke. No heart. No bones. There was nothing left, just the anger. It followed me everywhere. It sat on my bed and watched me sleep and when I had to eat, it looked at me across the table. Tanya Byrne