3 Quotes & Sayings By Tah The Trickster

Tah the Trickster is a character in the folklore of the Dene people. Tah, whose name means "spear," was born out of a black wolf and a white wolf and is considered to be the ancestor of most of the major wolves in the world. He is not seen as evil or dangerous by the Dene, but is recognized as having great powers that he uses for good. Tah appears in various stories from all around the world, but is most commonly known from his appearance in the story Bear Bear's Grandmother Read more

In this story, Tah uses his powers to help Bear Bear's grandmother see her dead husband. As a result of her seeing her husband, she becomes a very long-lived woman herself. Tah also appears in other stories about him helping people, such as when he saves a man from drowning and when he helps a young boy find his lost sister.

She was–of course–perfectly normal–quiet and polite andreasonablyintelligent and...normal andself destructive and lonelyand terrified of everything And she loved Disaster– Tah The Trickster
You will perhaps missthe part of you that is gonebut do not fear:all is for the best in the worldand soon you will not realize it is gone:you have either forgotten it entirely orit has come backalive Tah The Trickster