5 Quotes & Sayings By Shannon Perry

Shannon Perry is an award-winning author of 13 novels. She has been writing since she was a child, but her first book was published only three years ago. Her books are adult contemporary romances with elements of humor, suspense, and paranormal. Her characters are diverse, but they all have an inner strength that enables them to overcome their many obstacles to reunite with their true loves.

It’s worth burning myself out like a matchso long as others receive the light and warmth I dispatch. Shannon Perry
So while I was busy saving you from Hell, you...
So while I was busy saving you from Hell, you were pushing me further to it; the poison murdering me well. Shannon Perry
My heart is sinking and my chest physically aches from the heavy sadness that it carries within. Shannon Perry
Rising from the ashes, I am born again, powerful, exultant, majestic through all the pain. Shannon Perry