45 Quotes & Sayings By Scott Hastie

Scott Hastie is a doctoral student in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Colorado. His research interests include leadership, professional development, and teacher effectiveness. He is currently writing a dissertation on the influence of organizational culture on teacher effectiveness. Scott is a member of the National Science Foundation's Teacher Incentive Project, an initiative designed to improve teacher effectiveness through policy recommendations Read more

Scott also serves as a research assistant for Colorado's Colorado Learning Collaborative, a project aimed at improving Colorado's public education system through innovative strategies and practices in education and leadership. Scott received his B.A. in history from the University of Colorado and his M.A.

and Ph.D. in leadership studies from Colorado State University.

Be brave enough to never yearn For that you cannot hold close In your heart forever. Tread lightly, cherish compassion And live in the moment without fear. Scott Hastie
A stream of primal voices Whispering in the breeze of your heart To urge you on. Scott Hastie
To have been where you have been And to still have joy, Dazzling in your heart, Now there’s a thing to make the whole world smile. Scott Hastie
The sacred bequest Of times long spent with your heart That saturate and illuminate you now So piercingly… Scott Hastie
Be content to love, to dazzle in the light, If only for moments… And then be gone, With gladness in your heart, Before the creeping shadows Claim too much your sadness at leaving. Scott Hastie
Open the doors of your heart and they will come… And for every cruel arrow, Sweet caresses of delirium also To nourish your soul. Scott Hastie
Disparate energies come together That have never been aligned before. And so bound, Is the world illuminated, Changed forever in an instant… Scott Hastie
Here, illuminated at last, Nestles the ruddy glint of spiritual certainty; Sweet moments of passion and healing, Of sensual release. Scott Hastie
And so we smile on, Feeding the truths we share With a union of our souls, Cathedral slaves of our passion Which builds beauty amongst chaos. Scott Hastie
Such is true joy’s absolute certainty, Its slow lit fuse that burns holes In the shabby shroud of death forever. Scott Hastie
Every new day Our children's joy is as fresh as roses, Even the birds chatter at dawn. Scott Hastie
For every moment of suffering, Others will arrive That will instead pierce you with joy. Scott Hastie
Life, wherever it leads, Will always be the same, It begs for the best of you. Scott Hastie
Birth our night into day And bathe it clean, So that beloved things can glow Together in a litter of light. Scott Hastie
We too can repair our cracks with gold And glow again. Crazed by life, More beautiful than ever before. Scott Hastie
Everyday can be extraordinary And ripe, Like a flower burst, If the will is there. Scott Hastie
Sense how Even the smooth stones ache With stories of their own In the shuddering light of day. Scott Hastie
Ultimately not one amongst us Will ever be denied that, The glimmer of a chance to shine. Scott Hastie
When in love or inspired, An eternal kiss from the divine Awaits us all. Scott Hastie
Once spun, The silken thread of all our aspirations Remains intact, It can never be broken. Scott Hastie
Nothing that truly matters Can ever evaporate, Be excised, Burnt out of your soul. Scott Hastie
Be as audacious As you wish. By all means look to the heavens. Scott Hastie
In this life at least, Our fate is rarely epic. Maybe just as well, Impervious heroes we are not… Scott Hastie
A permanent path That, once illuminated, Goes ever onward — a way home… Scott Hastie
How stubborn life is, It clings like silver in our souls. Scott Hastie
The sea, the sea… Man alone, Passive, unaware In his elemental sadness. Scott Hastie
Where once there was a void, Now at least there are Seeds of splendour, Becalmed belief for another time. Scott Hastie
The searing light of morning Asks unwelcome questions, Fragile hopes soon blistered by daylight. Scott Hastie
The light needs only our trust And, of course, the darkness To work its eternal alchemy. Scott Hastie
Paradise is no whim. It takes time and trust, You see. Scott Hastie
The gilded spiral Of longings within. Our very own cathedral That points persistently to heaven. Scott Hastie
I am sad, like the hot dust on the streets And the music of fresh fallen leaves Caught in a sliding summer breeze. Scott Hastie
On the canvas of life, Every sweep of the brush matters, Counts for something… Scott Hastie
Soothing the exhaustion In my soul, So I can fall back skyward, Safe in your arms, And survive to dream again. Scott Hastie
Let us have no guilt Left to waste For dreaming still. Scott Hastie
Mislaid flame of tender emotions Rekindled. Together we live to the point of tears, I wouldn’t want it any other way. Scott Hastie
There can be no law of nature, no science, No aberrant infliction of human will That unchained the soul cannot conquer, Simply sweep away, should it chose to. Scott Hastie
Sacred space in which To distil, like amber, The best of your love. Scott Hastie
I knew such a woman once, She gave me everything. Her love like a soft riot singing, She knew how to shine. Scott Hastie
I am just like you, Destined to play my part. And leave, In the nature of my departure at least, Some kind of sweet message behind In the fathomless pattern I make. Scott Hastie
The smiles of ancient souls That bless this, Our space to live and learn And urge us on to shine again… Scott Hastie
A hallowed frequency within That, even in your darkest hour, You can always turn to. Scott Hastie
Ours was such a delicious risk. My being abruptly and altogether Ecstatic and be-stilled. Scott Hastie
Sublime moments refracted, Even if only for seconds, Caught forever in your soul. Scott Hastie