18 Quotes & Sayings By Sara Raasch

Sara Raasch is an award-winning author who writes novels for teens with strong female characters. Her books have been included on the ALA's Best Books for Young Adults list, and she has twice received the National Readers' Choice Award for Best Young Adult Author. She lives near Richmond, Virginia, with her husband, two children, three dogs, and a Siamese cat.

That's why literature is so fascinating. It's always up for interpretation, and could be a hundred different things to a hundred different people. It's never the same thing twice. Sara Raasch
I know he sees it, because for the briefest moment he drops his expressionless mask and the look in his eyes shows me he feels the same way. A mirror of every part of myself I can't bear to face. Sara Raasch
A Winterian wielding an Autumnian weapon, using Cordellan allegiance to bring Spring crumbling down. Sara Raasch
I know there are things you aren’t telling me. Big things… Sir, I will find out. I only hope your reasoning is good enough for me to forgive you. Sara Raasch
I can weave threads of myself into a tapestry already designed by others. Sara Raasch
No matter what happens, no matter who turns on me, no matter what pompous swine thinks he has power over me, I am still me. I will always be me. Sara Raasch
Mather smiles at me through it, some of his tension softening before he drops his head in a small bow. "My queen, " he says in response. Sara Raasch
No one should be forced to be something they aren't. Sara Raasch
It's a weapon we have, and we need all the weapons we can get Sara Raasch
All those practice fights when it was just us, two children pretending to be soldiers. Or two soldiers pretending to be children. Sara Raasch
In the face of all that has happened, it feels good, really good, to just breathe for a moment. Sara Raasch
Congratulations, everyone, " I announce as I open the door to Noam's study. "You've finally broken Meira, the crazy, orphaned soldier-girl. She's snapped, all thanks to the mention of floral arrangements. Sara Raasch
Whoever designed this city built it to complement the setting sun as perfectly as the stars complement the night. Sara Raasch
Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake. Sara Raasch
If stubborness were all that was needed to be a good queen, I'd rule the world. Sara Raasch
You've fought for Winter so spectacularly, and I am more proud than I have ever been to call you my son. But don't forget to fight for yourself as well--there is no shame in that Sara Raasch
Anything that lives here has to be just as harsh and determined as the sun, born of a fiery stubbornness that is either extremely brave or extremely stupid. Sara Raasch