13 Quotes & Sayings By Sandhya Jane

Sandhya Jane is a blogger, writer, editor and a tech enthusiast. She loves to write about tech and life, and she enjoys helping people with their tech stuff. She has worked with tech companies for more than a decade. She is the founder of TechVibes, a tech blog that she started in 2011. She has a bachelor's degree in computer science from IIT-Kharagpur and a master's degree in management science from IIM-Ahmedabad Read more

She started her career as a software engineer before switching to tech journalism.

If you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt. Once we cross the deepest part of hurt, it doesn’t hurt anymore. You become part of the eternal journey of love… no hurt, no worries, and one just prays for the wellbeing of other person –that’s true love for you. Innumerable poets and philosophers throughout history have tried to figure it out– partially or incompletely. Love is a destined journey. Sandhya Jane
Love in Life is never a battle of 'win' or 'loss' but a journey of unconditional acceptance. Sandhya Jane
Our way of life decrees that everyone is born with a pre-determined destiny. With good karma, one can try to make the most of one’s circumstances. But that’s all. There is a lot that is beyond the power of mere humans, ; the future unfolds the way it is meant to. Everyone acts the way they are meant to and lives as they are meant to, ; not a moment more, not a moment less. Each person that you meet has a role to play and nothing can alter that. The relationship they share with you, the duration of their presence in your life, all of it is ordained. Sandhya Jane
It is a myth that women are the more complicated sex. Men too, have their moods and whims. They too, respond to every gauntlet that is thrown at them, either overtly or covertly. Sandhya Jane
Follow your heart, includes your responsibilities in everyday life; else heart will have only regrets at the end Sandhya Jane
A relationship that is not actively nurtured dies out eventually, I told myself. Or does it? Sandhya Jane
If you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt. Once we cross the deepest part of hurt, it doesn’t hurt anymore.. You become part of the eternal journey of love commences again Sandhya Jane
Life is like Mother Nature - unpredictable. Friends /relatives who promise to help, will avoid you when you need them. Then, you struggle to get through and suddenly, some stranger walks in offering you the help you needed. The hope, the betrayal and the miracle...all are just part of our life... Sandhya Jane
It's never over till it's really over in your mind... Sandhya Jane
I felt a decidedly positive energy in the office with Rohan’s presence. I was not sure if it was real enough for others to experience it too, but I felt it keenly. Gawd, my stupid feelings. Sandhya Jane
Aging gracefully - A concept that is rejected in 40s, but gracefully accepted in 50s... Sandhya Jane
Aging gracefully - A that is rejected in 40s, but gracefully accepted in 50s... Sandhya Jane