52 Quotes & Sayings By Robert Ferrigno

Robert Ferrigno was a prolific author of books on the topics of success, business, and personal improvement. He is also known as an inspirational speaker and has been featured on numerous radio shows, television shows, and in print media. In addition to writing numerous books for his own use, he published "The Success Principles," a book that outlines his philosophy on success.

Most wars start with a lie, good wars, bad wars, they start with a lie, and the peace that comes afterwards, those promises of forgiveness and cooperation and fair play for all… those are lies too, lies wrapped in hope. Robert Ferrigno
The faith is not the problem, Bernadette. The problem is...
The faith is not the problem, Bernadette. The problem is the faithful. Robert Ferrigno
People want to believe.
People want to believe. Robert Ferrigno
Freedom is a terrible burden, much too heavy for the...
Freedom is a terrible burden, much too heavy for the weak man to bear. Robert Ferrigno
The secret is to create the condition for change, a...
The secret is to create the condition for change, a process that sometimes takes decades, and then use certain men as pivot points, a fulcrum to move history. Robert Ferrigno
Studying history is for tourists - polite, tidy people with clean desks and clean consciences. Making history is for people willing to get their hands dirty, to make mistake and lie when necessary, so that someday historians can sit quietly at their desks and act shocked. Robert Ferrigno
The surprise was worse that the pain. It showed a lack of awareness. Robert Ferrigno
Time is the only thing even money can't buy. Robert Ferrigno
You have all the time in the world when you know what you are doing. Robert Ferrigno
Love your children while they are young. Because they grow up soon enough, and then… then the have no need of you. Robert Ferrigno
I'm married to the future. Robert Ferrigno
People believed what made them comfortable. What fit with their preconceptions of how the world worked. Robert Ferrigno
Yeah, well, you believe what you want to. I live in the real world. Robert Ferrigno
No one believes what they're told. They believe what they uncover. What they dig up on their own. And the harder it is to find, the more they believe it when they do find it. Robert Ferrigno
Rakkim would have loved to believed that… another reason he wasn't convinced. Robert Ferrigno
Man had to hang on to his pride. Robert Ferrigno
If you wanted to know what a man was thinking, check the view from his favorite spot. Robert Ferrigno
Thinking of it, and doing it… they're not the same. Robert Ferrigno
Ignorance is fertile ground. Robert Ferrigno
Faith was the most powerful force in the universe. Robert Ferrigno
Government isn't about religion or signs or symbols… It's about power and control. Robert Ferrigno
It's the small sins that save you. That's how you survive when all around you are getting their heads sawed off. Robert Ferrigno
- Murder is a sin. It's a sin in Judaism, it's a sin in Christianity, it's a sin in Islam and every other…- I'll decide what's a sin. Robert Ferrigno
Religion was all about getting dumbasses to line up and sign up, making people pay today for heaven tomorrow. Robert Ferrigno
They're fucking crosses. Just stick them in the ground. If there's a heaven they're already there. If not… it doesn't matter if the crosses are nice or not. Robert Ferrigno
You rely on your speed too much. A young man's vanity. An old man learns to absorb pain and wait for an opportunity. Robert Ferrigno
I've seen what rational thought leads to. Dumbest people I ever met were intellectuals. Robert Ferrigno
A beast barely able to restrain itself carried a risk to its master. Robert Ferrigno
We're all going to hell anyway, why not enjoy the ride? Robert Ferrigno
It hurts to be lost. You go native because it's better to be wrong than to be lost. Robert Ferrigno
Nothing is more dangerous than a place of safety. Robert Ferrigno
Well-liked… a dangerous quality in a leader. Robert Ferrigno
Jason smiled. The sound of wings was louder now, the fluttering of angels come to carry him home. Robert Ferrigno
A man can never have too many friends. Robert Ferrigno
The devil has a thousand names, " said Crews, voice rising, "but the name he takes the most pride in is Prince of Lies, because he is such a convincing fraud. Even God himself was fooled by Satan once, so what hope do we have to tell what's truth and what's false? Robert Ferrigno
Without loyalty all the training in the world is useless. Worse than useless. Robert Ferrigno
Well, fathers and sons… one way or the other, they always disappoint each other. Robert Ferrigno
Maintenance and resupply are the backbone of any military. Robert Ferrigno
The most effective lie is ninety-nine percent true. Robert Ferrigno
He most effective lie is ninety-nine percent true. Robert Ferrigno
Kill the heroes and you kill the soul of a nation. Robert Ferrigno
Great risks could be undertaken only after great preparation. Robert Ferrigno
The secret of victory is to find the point of maximum vulnerability and then strike. No matter your feelings. No matter how much you respect the enemy. Robert Ferrigno
When you're in a weak position, getting the best deal possible is a victory. Robert Ferrigno
Pray for victory, plan for disaster. Robert Ferrigno
A strong man tied to a weak man… When there is trouble, the strong man's strength counts for nothing. Robert Ferrigno
Once you open up a secret, it starts leaking out all over. Robert Ferrigno
Young warriors are always eager for battle. Old warriors know better. Robert Ferrigno
Battle is a frightening thing, a terrible thing, but once you develop a taste for it…nothing else comes close. Robert Ferrigno
Give the agent something easy to reject, something to justify his authority - that way they won't look too closely at the rest of your things. Robert Ferrigno
The hardest bit of information to extract is the first piece. Robert Ferrigno