4 Quotes & Sayings By Red Delachina

Red Delachina is an award-winning writer and humorist with a passion for writing, reading and learning. She has written hundreds of articles and columns for "The Christian Post," "The Washington Times," "The American Thinker," and other publications. She has also been a contributor to the Huffington Post and TheBlaze.com and has written several books, including "My Favorite & Worst Things About Being a Woman" and "You Can't Handle the Truth." She is currently working on her next book, "Religion is for Dummies."

A mystery is an unknown puzzle to solve like lies and secrets that you need to know. Lies and secrets that are like a cancer in our soul. They eat away what is good and leave only DESTRUCTION behind. A mystery to discover which makes life more COMPLICATED as it seems to be. Red Delachina
Weird is my personality, Complicated are my words and Mystery I am but those what gets you to like me. Red Delachina
Charm is deceptive, Wise is sly, having talent is impressive and that puzzles you why. I, but not you, know the mask that I wear. Like how a master knows its masterpiece which is unknown to the world. Red Delachina