11 Quotes & Sayings By Pier Paolo Pasolini

He was an Italian film director, poet, writer, and actor. He is best known for his literary and experimental films and for his controversial 1975 film Salo, which deals with the subject of bestiality and the Holocaust. He also acted in several movies and wrote screenplays.

If you know that I am an unbeliever, then you...
If you know that I am an unbeliever, then you know me better than I do myself. I may be an unbeliever, but I am an unbeliever who has a nostalgia for a belief. Pier Paolo Pasolini
The fury of confession, at first, then the fury of clarity: It was from you, Death, that such hypocriticalobscure feeling was born! And nowlet them accuse me of every passion, let them bad-mouth me, let them say I’m deformed, impure, obsessed, a dilettante, a perjurer. You isolate me, you give me the certainty of life, I’m on the stake. I play the card of fireand I win this little, immense goodness of mine. I can do it, for I have suffered you too much! I return to you as an émigré returnsto his own country and rediscovers it: I made a fortune (in the intellect)and I’m happy, as I once was, destitute of any norm, a black rage of poetry in my breast. A crazy old-age youth. Once your joy was confused with terror, it’s true, and now almost with other joy, livid and arid, my passion deluded. Now you really frighten me, for you are truly close to me, part of my angry state, of obscure hunger, of the anxiety almost of a new being. . Pier Paolo Pasolini
Every day my anxiety is higher, every day the grief more mortal. Today more than yesterday terror exalts me… Pier Paolo Pasolini
The birds sang in the dustin an elaborate weave, ambiguous, deafening, prey to existencepoor passions lost between the modestsummits of groves of mulberry and elder;and I, like them, in secluded placesreserved for the lost and pure, would wait for evening to fall, for the silent smells of fireand joyous misery to fill the air, for the Angelus bell to toll, veiledin the new peasant mysteryfulfilled in the ancient mystery. Pier Paolo Pasolini
We survive, in the confusionof a life reborn beyond reason. Pier Paolo Pasolini
I, too, head for the Baths of Caracalla, thinking–with my old, magnificentprivilege of thinking…( And let there still be a god in me that thinks, lost, weak, and childish, yet whose voice is so humanit is almost a song.) Oh, to leavethis prison of poverty! To be free of the yearningthat makes these ancient nights so splendid! He who knows yearning, and he who does not, have something in common: man’s desires are humble. Pier Paolo Pasolini
Behold those times re-created bythe brutal power of sunlit images, the light of life’s tragedy. The walls of the trial, the fieldof the firing squad; and the distantghost of Rome’s suburbs in a ring, gleaming white in naked light. Gunshots: our death, our survival. Pier Paolo Pasolini
The revolution is now just a sentiment. Pier Paolo Pasolini
First the mania for confession, then the mania for clarity, issued from you, dark, hypocriticalsentiment! Let them nowcondemn my every passion, let themdrag me through the mud, call me twisted, foul pervert, dilettante, perjurer;you keep me apart, give me life’s assurance: I burn at the stake, play the card of fireand win: I win this small, vast possession, my infinite, miserable pitywhich makes even righteous anger my friend. And I can do this because I’ve endured you too long! . Pier Paolo Pasolini
I don't believe we shall ever again have any form of society in which men will be free. One should not hope for it. One should not hope for anything. Hope is invented by politicians to keep the electorate happy. Pier Paolo Pasolini