2 Quotes & Sayings By Philip Strax

Philip Strax is a writer, musician and artist. His first novel, "A Hero’s Welcome" was published in 2007 and was followed by "Doing Time in Paradise" in 2009. Both books were published by Acorn Press, the UK publishers of the Philip Pullman series. His novella, "Momo" (Acorn Press) was shortlisted for the Kate O'Brien Prize in 2013 Read more

His second novel, The Silken Truth (Acorn Press) will be released on March 15. The Silken Truth is set in Thailand's capital Bangkok and follows the story of George (George) who has volunteered to work at a small clinic where he must help people cope with their feelings of shame after having contracted HIV. Philip has written short stories about the Thai Hill tribe for publications including Story Road and Ananga Tales published by Acorn Press.

He is also the author of "Chafed Feet", a collection of short stories about life in Bangkok which was released by Acorn Press in 2011.