3 Quotes & Sayings By Pekka Himanen

Pekka Himanen, M.D., Ph.D., is professor of biochemistry at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He has studied neuropsychopharmacology and psychopharmacology of acetylcholine for nearly four decades. Dr. Himanen has published more than 450 scientific papers, has edited several books on cholinergic systems, and has given some 230 lectures on these topics to scientific and medical conferences, symposia, and seminars around the world Read more

Dr. Himanen is a member of the Academy of Finland and his research has received various awards including the Kekkonen Prize (1997), the Mannerheim Medal (1998), and the Tampere Prize (2000). He is also a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.

This primary question of life organization is immensely important. If making money is the main goal, a person can often forget what his or her true interests are or how he or she wants to deserve recognition from others. It is much more difficult to add on other values to a life that started out with just making money in mind than it is to make some personally interesting endeavor financially possible or even profitable. Pekka Himanen
One might say that there is an "ethics barrier " a speed above which ethics can no longer exit. After that point the only remaining goal is to survive the immediate moment. Pekka Himanen