22 Quotes & Sayings By Patti Digh

Patti Digh has written extensively on the topic of "power" for both men and women. Her books, The Art of Men's Style & The Art of Women's Style , represent the best of her knowledge in the areas of men's and women's fashion, exercise, grooming, fitness, and well-being. Patti has been featured in numerous national magazines, including Prevention, Self, Fitness Magazine, Health Magazine, Modern Bride , The Atlanta Journal-Constitution , The Dayton Daily News , and many more. Patti is an avid speaker on the topics of beauty, well-being, lifestyle design, personal power and self-esteem. On her second love for writing she says: "I was always interested in writing but I never thought it would be something that I could do 'for a living.' I started writing to keep in touch with my friends at school when I was in high school; I didn't think it would take off Read more

But it did. My family has always encouraged me to write; my dad was an avid reader himself. When I got married he gave me his dictionary - which was huge - and told me to write down every single word that I ever saw him use."

Instead of a book, what if we're actually writing (or not writing) in the margins of our lives? What if our lives are books? What is the sign of our presence? Are we pressing into the margins our interpretations and questions? Are we circling offending verbs and drawing furious arrows to the margin where we scrawl "irony, " "frustration, " "voiceless, " "unfair! " Or do we simply turn the pages, passively receiving what's given, furiously disagreeing but remaining silent about it? . Patti Digh
And by knowing what we fear, don't we know what we care about, how we are measuring our worth, what success looks like?" I asked. So isn't fear helpful, then? Patti Digh
What if your art could provide everything you ever needed or wanted in life? Patti Digh
If you're alive, you're creative. Patti Digh
We can create a different future - one simple, beautifully mundane, daily decision at a time. Patti Digh
Take yourself out of the center of other people's universe - it will free you up and let the universe turn more easily. Patti Digh
We are always - always- in choice. Patti Digh
We give up our power to the very people who took it away from us in the first place. Patti Digh
Create inclusion - with simple mindfulness that others might have a different reality from your own. Patti Digh
The shortest distance between two people is a story. Patti Digh
Don't say you're a writer if you're not writing. Even if you're writing, don't call yourself a writer. Say instead, 'I write.' It's the verb that's important, not the noun. Patti Digh
Name your intention. Patti Digh
Great change doesn't come with official endorsement. Patti Digh
Generosity has little to do with giving gifts, and everything to do with giving space to others to be who they are. Patti Digh
Boredom is for the selfish. Patti Digh
Don't separate 'real' life from 'creative' life. Patti Digh
Equip yourself for your own needs. Patti Digh
What few rules appear to be in place are all made up. Patti Digh
We can either own our circumstances and be creative in them, or we can throw up our hands and say, I cannot be held accountable because the conditions are not ideal. Patti Digh
Perhaps we can recognize our way out of patterns rather than repeating our way out of them. Patti Digh
Watch other people for clues about who they are, not just clues about how much they are or are not like you. Patti Digh