2 Quotes & Sayings By Patrice Nganang

Patrice Nganang is a writer and a communications consultant. She has worked as a journalist for several newspapers. Her short stories have been published in numerous anthologies and magazines, including The Kalahari Review, New African Writing, and The Third Front. She currently lives in Johannesburg, South Africa. Patrice is the author of the novel "In My Father's Kingdom". Patrice's writing is influenced by her experiences as a child growing up in war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo Read more

In her work, she uses the experience of being a refugee to question the nature of home and belonging. She attempts to explore both psychological and sociological aspects of being a displaced person in an unfamiliar place. In her novel "In My Father's Kingdom", Patrice asks what it means to be a refugee at a time when human rights are being redefined as those who have been born into one nation being now defined as those who have been legally "recognized" as refugees by another nation.

In this work, she examines the notion of home as something that continues to exist irrespective of where you are or what country you live in. She questions whether it is possible to be both home and an outsider at the same time. Patrice writes about how difficult it can be to belong anywhere even if there is no alternative but to live somewhere that does not feel like home at all. Patrice is currently working on her second novel set in Uganda entitled "The Green Mill".