10 Quotes & Sayings By Osip Mandelstam

Osip Ivanovich Mandelstam (Russian: Осип Иванович Мандельштам; Russian: Осип Иванович Мандельштам; Russian: Мандельштам, Osip Ivanovich Mandelstam; born Leonid Osipovich Mandelstam; 30 December 1904 – 11 February 1938) was a Soviet poet and translator of German literature. He was one of the most prominent members of the Moscow literary group known as the "Generation of '27". His work, written in Russian, is noted for its spare and direct language and is often poetic.

My turn shall also come: I sense the spreading of...
My turn shall also come: I sense the spreading of a wing. Osip Mandelstam
Where to start? Everything cracks and shakes, The air trembles...
Where to start? Everything cracks and shakes, The air trembles with similes, No one world's better than another;the earth moans with metaphors. Osip Mandelstam
I do not know how it is elsewhere, but here, in this country, poetry is a healing, life-giving thing, and people have not lost the gift of being able to drink of its inner strength. People can be killed for poetry here—a sign of unparalleled respect—because they are still capable of living by it. Osip Mandelstam
Only in Russia poetry is respected--it gets people killed.
Only in Russia poetry is respected--it gets people killed. Osip Mandelstam
One cannot launch a new history – the idea is altogether unthinkable; there would not be the continuity and tradition. Tradition cannot be contrived or learned. In its absence one has, at the best, not history but ‘progress’ – the mechanical movement of a clock hand, not the sacred succession of interlinked events. Osip Mandelstam
The Armenian language cannot be worn out; its boots are stone. Well, certainly, the thick-walled words, the layers of air in the semi-vowels. Osip Mandelstam
The people need poetry that will be their own secret To keep them awake forever, And bathe them in the bright-haired wave of its breathing. Osip Mandelstam
The earth is buzzing with metaphor Osip Mandelstam
The wolfhound century leaps at my shoulders, But I am no wolf by blood. Osip Mandelstam