9 Quotes & Sayings By Nd Jones

N.D. Jones is a self-published author of romance fiction novels. He is a member of Romance Writers of America, the "Sizzling Sixteen" contest, and the 2011 winner of the "Crown's Best Inspirational Novel" award. While N.D Read more

has been writing about 25 years, it has only been in the last few years that he has begun to publish his work widely. He lives in his native Arizona with his wife and three cats.

I really want to call you to me in a thunderbolt so I can smack you. We’re not even married yet and I want to strangle you with my bare hands. That doesn’t bode well for your life expectancy, Assefa, or my chance of staying out of prison on a homicide charge N.D. Jones
My teeth ache, my gums hurt, and my cat is tearing me apart, wanting you in every way imaginable. Your body. Your magic. Your fire spirit. Your blood. N.D. Jones
Trust her heart, Assefa, and believe in yourself. No matter the challenge, no matter the foe, be brave, be wise, be the undefeated Mngwa of lore. N.D. Jones
You carry the weight of the preternatural world on those big shoulders of yours. But your heart is even bigger, and the burden you harbor there heavier. N.D. Jones
If I'm moving too fast or coming on too hard... N.D. Jones
Because I’m attracted to you. Because you’re the poster child for contradictions and I enjoy each one of them. You’re funny when you’re being so damn serious. You have a kind heart and protective nature that reminds me so much of my father. N.D. Jones
I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you, sweetheart. All supple and voluptuous, a mountain of curves I can't wait to climb. N.D. Jones
I don’t need a ritual to tell me we have a biological connection, or that the gods have already decided we complement each other. Even with that, Sanura, we have our own free will. If we decide to begin a relationship, I want it to be because we want to be together, not because biology or the gods say we should be together. N.D. Jones