4 Quotes & Sayings By Mustafa Said

Mustafa Said is a world-renowned author and activist. He was the founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, a civil rights organization dedicated to fostering a better understanding of Islam among all Canadians, and working for religious freedom for Muslims in Canada. Mustafa Said is also the founder of the Common Word Foundation, which seeks to promote peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims based on love, respect, and mutual understanding.

It is much better to live in poverty and graduate to the middle class, than it is to live as a king and be demoted to the middle class. Mustafa Said
The term I despise most is motivation. Motivation is an unreliable tease and isn't worth your time. Motivation is fleeting, DISCIPLINE is reliable. Cultivate DISCIPLINE and FORCE yourself to do things to better yourself. It isn't about keeping yourself motivated, it's about how to train yourself to work without it. Mustafa Said
Life is just a big game of Texas hold'em, unexpected things may arise that may suite you or destroy you. You gotta make the best of the cards your dealt, adjust accordingly, and always understand that you control your decisions. Mustafa Said