2 Quotes & Sayings By Melvin Gurtov

Melvin Gurtov was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1934. He began his career at age 10 as a cartoonist for the New York City newspapers The Sun and The Brooklyn Eagle. In 1957, he became an editorial cartoonist for the New York Times and continued to draw political cartoons for over 30 years. In 1968, Gurtov began drawing a syndicated comic strip called "Gurts" Read more

It has been published in more than 500 newspapers around the world. The strip was collected in a series of books, including GURTS: ALL HAIL THE KING! (1974), GURTS: GOD'S OWN STRIPPER! (1975), and GURTS: PIONEER OF THE NEW MEDIA! (1975). In 1986, he wrote and drew The Gurts of America, which was followed by GURTS: THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION in 1987 and GURTS: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION in 1992.

In 1994, a a book about his work, The Gurts of America, was published.