3 Quotes & Sayings By Mary J Ruwart

Mary J. Ruwart is a psychotherapist in private practice in New York City. She is a co-author of the best-selling book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, which was voted one of America's most influential books by Entertainment Weekly. She has been a columnist for the "New York Post" and "New York Daily News," and a contributor to "Newsweek," "The New York Times," and "USA Today." Mary has been a guest on radio and television programs including "CBS Evening News," "Good Morning America," "The Today Show," and others Read more

She is a founding member of the International Association of Relationship Coaches.

As long as government has the power to regulate business, business will control government by funding the candidate that legislates in their favor. A free-market thwarts lobbying by taking the power that corporations seek away from government! The only sure way to prevent the rich from buying unfair government influence is to stop allowing government to use physical force against peaceful people. Whenever government is allowed to favor one group over another, the rich will always win, since they can "buy" more favors, overtly or covertly, than the poor. Mary J. Ruwart
Our politicians tell us we are free, even though most governments take over 50% of what we earn. They claim we get services that we need for our hard-earned money, even though we could buy the same services at half the price from the private sector. Today, we ridicule the slave-owners' claim that they "gave back" to their slaves by housing, clothing, feeding them, and bestowing upon them the "benefits" of civilization instead of leaving them in their native state. We see this as a self-serving justification for exploitation. In the future, we will view being forcibly taxed to pay for things we don't want, such as bombs for the Middle East, subsidies for tobacco, other people's abortions, regulations that put small businesses out of business, prisons for people trying to feel good, keeping life-saving medications out of the hands of dying people, etc., as taking away our freedom. When even a small portion of our lives is spent enslaved, that part tends to dominate the rest of our time. If we don't put our servitude first as we structure the remainder of our lives, our masters will make sure we regret it. How much freedom do we need to survive and how much do we need to thrive? . Mary J. Ruwart