4 Quotes & Sayings By Mary Hughes

Mary Hughes is a prolific and award-winning author of more than fifty books and many articles and essays. She has written for national magazines and newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Reader's Digest. She has made numerous television appearances, including the CBS Early Show and Good Morning America. Mary is also a successful sales trainer, motivational speaker, and business consultant who works with women as they develop their own businesses as well as those of their husbands, partners, and children.

I cringed as the band oozed into the next chord. If notes were cars, I think there was a D major under the wreckage. Mary Hughes
This look said I was uncomfortably near some line. Nikos had a lot of lines, all hidden. If you shot a marble in on one side of his personality, instead of coming out the other it would bounce on secret internal walls and shoot out in some unpredictable way. I suspected some of those ways were deadly. Mary Hughes
There were pecans, there were cashews and then there was just plain nuts. Mary Hughes