8 Quotes & Sayings By Mario Fingarov

Boris Ivanovich Fingarov was born in Moscow, USSR. He is a journalist, author of many books on art history, and the founder of the Art Fund, which has helped preserve hundreds of works of art. At the beginning of his career, Fingarov was a correspondent for Pravda-the only one among the artists who were awarded the Order of Lenin for their work among anti-Soviet elements. Fingarov was the first to report about the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

I don't have friends. Before I can't without friends.
I don't have friends. Before I can't without friends. Mario Fingarov
I don't need people, love or sex. Neither money, clothes or cars. The hate I gained was most needed. Don't understand me in the wrong way. It's been a while and the loathing turns into indifference, which now solves my problems. Mario Fingarov
The world nowadays is so perverted. Some people think I'm insane only because they don't understand my point of view. Mario Fingarov
Don't take my hate personal. I hate even myself. Mario Fingarov
Solve your problems or your problems solve you. Mario Fingarov
Don't think you are special only because I hate you. I hate everybody. Mario Fingarov
What a mad world is a world in which nоbody deserves to be loved. Mario Fingarov