4 Quotes & Sayings By Marcus Valerius Martialis

Marcus Valerius Martialis (c. 42-104 AD - c. 136 AD), known as Martial, was a Latin author who wrote in the classical Attic dialect of Ancient Rome. He is known for his witty and epigrammatic poem "Epigrammata", one of the earliest collections of Latin epigrams, as well as for his more important 45 books of Epigrams, totaling over 880 poems Read more

Martial had no literary training; he was a soldier and an activist, which may explain his military vocabulary and unusual constructions.

...to be able to enjoy the life you have spent, is to live it twice. Marcus Valerius Martialis
Your page stands against you and says to you that you are a thief. Marcus Valerius Martialis
Fortune gives too much to many, enough to none. Lat., Fortuna multis dat nimis, satis nulli.] Marcus Valerius Martialis