7 Quotes & Sayings By Luminita D Saviuc

Luminita Saviuc is an award-winning writer, editor, and translator who has published more than two dozen books in English and Romanian. She is the founder of Luminita Publishing, of which she is the only employee. This Romanian-born writer will happily confess that she is a bit of a bookworm with an inquisitive mind, which led her to writing. She has authored books on Romanian history and contemporary subjects of local interest, but her true love has always been foreign travel, especially to the West Read more

She has lived in Romania for twenty years and spent five years in London studying for her MA.

The story of your past doesn’t have to become the...
The story of your past doesn’t have to become the story of your life. Luminita D. Saviuc
Fill your heart with love. Forgive and let go. Not necessarily because those who mistreated you deserve it, but because you do. Let forgiveness liberate you from your past. Allow it to take away all the resentment you’ve kept in your heart for all this time and allow it to fill in that empty space with love. Forgive, release and let go. Luminita D. Saviuc
Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself, to be at peace, to be happy and to be able to sleep at night. You don’t forgive because you are weak but because you are strong enough to realize that only by giving up on resentment will you be happy. Luminita D. Saviuc
People, places and experiences aren’t meant to be labeled and judged, they are meant to be loved and appreciated, since deep down inside, the nature we all share is love, light and happiness. Luminita D. Saviuc
Never get your sense of worth from outside yourself. Never fall into the trap of thinking that who you are is not enough and that you need other people’s approval, love and validation in order to feel that you’re of value. Never allow external things, places, people and circumstances to determine or tell you how much you’re worth. It’s called self-worth, not others’ worth. Luminita D. Saviuc
Nothing in life is yours to keep–not your children, not your friends and family, not your lover, not your material possessions, not your youth and vitality, not your struggles (which is great news) or successes, not your body and not even your life. Everything in life is given to you for a short period of time, to enjoy, to learn from, to appreciate and to love, but never to keep. Luminita D. Saviuc