2 Quotes & Sayings By Louise Mack

Louise Mack was born in Trinidad and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. She is the daughter of the late Cardinal Miguel Angel Rodriguez of Venezuela. While still a teenager, she was asked to help with the publication of the first edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia of Mexico, which she did for almost ten years. She has written numerous articles about her father, including "Papal Movements" (Catholic Encyclopedia), "The Pope, the Church, and Society" (Paulist Press), "The Installation of the Supreme Pontiff on December 11, 1958" (Catholic Encyclopedia), "Masonic Influence on Vatican Archives" (Paulist Press), "The Motives Behind the Overthrow of President Juan Vicente Gomez" (Paulist Press), "Masonic Influence on Papal Succession" (Paulist Press), and "The Papal Elections of 2000" (Paulist Press), among others.